Friday, 5 September 2008

Dynamic Data Futures – Part 2 - AnyColumn Filter

  1. Part 1 - Getting Dynamic Data Futures filters working in a File Based Website.
  2. Part 2 - Create the AnyColumn filter from the Dynamic Data Futures Integer filter.
  3. Part 3 – Creating the AnyColumnAutocomplete filter.

Create the AnyColumn filter from the Dynamic Data Futures Integer filter

No need to create a new filter once you've got the filters from Dynamic Data Future working in your site all you need to do is add the filter attribute Integer to the property you want filtered see below:

public partial class Customer
    public class Customer_MD
        [Filter(FilterControl = "Integer")]
        public object ContactName { get; set; }

I was thinking I had to some stuff to make the Integer filter to work with other column type and you don't when I look back at my code smile_embaressed

Hope this helps smile_teeth

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